The mind can be fixed on anything from the microcosm to the macrocosm of this universe - paramanu parama mahathwa antho asya vashigara. A mind perfected through meditation will become like a polished mirror and gain unity consciousness with the object of meditation. This state of mind is called Samapathi. Samapathi is a state of mind where the mind is flowing towards the object of meditation uninterruptedly but is still impure.
All four states of Samadhi are Sabeeja Samadhi because the mind is still dependent on the object of
meditation. Nirvichara Samadhi, over a period of practice, leads one to a blissful state - Athyathma
At this stage, consciousness attains Rthambhara state where it is free from all doubts and desires.
This Rthambara state of consciousness is superior when compared to normal consciousness, which is
based on the understanding derived from what is seen, heard, and experienced, as it is capable of
receiving superior knowledge - Vishesha Jnana.
Impressions (Samskaras) that arise from this Rthambara state of consciousness are capable of wiping
away all the impressions that were born out of ordinary consciousness.
Nirvichara Samadhi, purified through rthambara prajna, leads one to Nirbheeja Samadhi.
To overcome the above obstacles, one must practice eka thathwa (single-minded practice; choose one
path and stick to it).re.
Samskaras cease to exist when the mind reaches the state of Virama Prathyaya. Virama Prathyaya is
the stillness of awareness/mind detached from the object of meditation. Bhava Prathyaya is the state
of awareness where there is no body consciousness.
When the sadhana/practice attains qualities like Shraddha, Virya, Smrithi, Samadhi, and prajna, and
when such sadhana is intense, that sadhaka/practitioner is bound to experience asamprajatha Samadhi.
These types of sadhakas are called vairaghis.
Asamprajnatha Samadhi is the state of mind that is independent of the object of meditation and has
transcended the state and qualities of awareness (state of awareness - Pramana, Viparyaya, Smrithi,
Vikalpa, Nidra; qualities - Vitharka, Vichara, Ananda, Asmitha).
Sadhakas or practitioners are of three types: Mruthu - Soft, Mantha - Lazy/slow, Madhya -Average.
Worship of God, surrender to God, and devotion to God can also lead to
God is beyond Karma (Action), Klesha (fruits of action), Vipaka (incompleteness), Ashraya (support),
Nir Athisaya (unlimited), and is the source of all knowledge.
His seed syllable is AUM
He is the Guru (teacher) since he has existed since the creation.
Meditating upon Aum kara also leads one to Self-realization (Abhyantra Bhava).
The other obstacles associated with the major obstacles are:
Anga Mejayathwa
Trembling of the body.
Swasa Praswasa Viksheba
Unsteady breathing.